Budou volit v USA vraha, nebo obhroublého chlapa?

Kdo vlastně žádá v čele demokratické země vraha, nebo zženštilého, bezpohlavního trans-homosexuála? A Trump evidentně není ani jeden z nich.

Přece není normální, aby si velmoc, kterou stále ještě USA jsou, mohla dovolit tyto alternativy - extrémy. Nehledě k tomu, že mnohé z žen jsou v zákulisí více zvrácené než muži, zatímco navenek jsou v hávu nadýchaných obláčků růžového sametu.

Celé vyjádření najdete na novém webu www.skrytapravda.cz zde:

Budou volit v USA vraha, nebo obhroublého chlapa?






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před 10 dny

Parodie 3. prezidentské debaty: Tom Hanks (moderátor Chris), Alec Baldwin (DT) a Kate McKinnon (HC) v Saturday Night Live:


Moderátor: "Tonight is going to be a lot like the third Lord of the Rings movie. You don’t want to watch but, hey, you’ve come this far."

Clintonová: "In the first debate, I set the table. In the second debate, I fired up the grill. And tonight, I feast." (brousí nože)

Trump: "Chris, I’m going to start this debate in the quietest voice possible. In the past I have been big and loud, but tonight I am a sweet little baby Trump."

Moderátor: "That's good to hear. Our first question is for you, and it's about reproductive rights."

Trump: "They're ripping babies out of vaginas!"

Clintonová: "Listen, Chris, I'm glad you raised this topic because what two better people are there to talk about women's issues? Me, a woman who has had a child and has taken birth control, and him, a man who is a child and whose face is birth control."

Moderátor: "Let's talk the immigration."

Trump: "She wants open borders and that is crazy. People are just pouring into this country from Mexico. A lot of them are very bad hombres."

Clintonová: "Oh Bingo! Bingo! I’ve got bingo!" (drží kartu TRUMP BINGO) "I’ve been playing all year and I have ‘bad hombres,’ ‘rapists,’ ‘Miss Piggy,’ ‘they’re all living in hell,’ and if ‘she wasn’t my daughter.'"

Moderátor (ke Clintonové): "You’re never going to answer a question about your emails?"

Clintonová: "No, but it was very cute to watch you try."

Moderátor: "Now Mr. Trump, in the last week eleven women accused you of sexually assaulting them. Do you still deny those claims?"

Trump: "Chris, of course I do. I'm completely innocent. I've said this before and I will say this again. Nobody has more respect for women than I do."

Moderátor: "Allright, allright, allright, settle down, settle down, settle down entire planet, settle down."

Trump: "She can brag about her resume, but I'm the one who's got all the heavy hitters supporting me. I mean, I have got the cream of the crop: I've got Sarah Palin. I've got Chachi. Get this, I've even got the best Baldwin brother, Stephen Baldwin."

Clintonová: "Listen, America. Donald Trump cannot be president. He would be a disaster. A failure. A complete 'F.' And America, you deserve better than an 'F.' So, on Nov. 8, vote for me, and I promise I will be a stone-cold 'B.'"

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  • Ten, co to cáluje:

    A před měsícem mexickej červotoč?

  • Petr:

    Klídek a hadr na čelo - nějaký exot ho...

  • n:

    Vzali nám předsedu nebo nevzali.... https://www.nov...

  • *antibuzna*:

    Samozřejmě, že volby budou. Hnutí ANO...

  • n:

    Stačí si poslechnout poslední vysilání...